Industries Industries

Global Service Provider
Multi-channel Customer Relationship

Attention to customers, focus on multi-channel engagement to ensure a constantly improving customer relationship and a customer-centric offer

Customers always connected, demanding and very careful with TelCo & Media value propositions. Listening, interpreting, and understanding the voice of the customer are strategic for the Industry Operators: key information and data for the constant improvement in value and quality of services closer and closer to customer needs, and enabling players to anticipate future requests.

Attention to customers, focus on multi-channel engagement to ensure a constantly improving customer relationship and a customer-centric offer

TelCo & Media

Multi-channel Customer Engagement Management

From user to customer: new models of multi-channel interaction

Market liberalization, globalization, and competition increase have forces Energy & Utilities operators to dramatically rethink their models of customer engagement and interaction management, where the customer becomes source of information and reference point to set up and address valuable customer-centric services available on different channels of contact.

From user to customer: new models of multi-channel interaction

Energy & Utilities

Customer-centric Relationship Management

New integrated mobility scenario and users always connected

Travellers nowadays have far too many sources of information. Multi-channel Customer Engagement and virtual travel assistants are the new keywords to make information and services travel at the same speed, to analyze the customer journey in real time and deliver customer experience of excellence: a 24H & 7/7 customer interaction, based on cross-source information and multi-channel engagement, to answer any request and fulfil any traveller’s need.

New integrated mobility scenario and users always connected

Transportation & Logistics

Anytime anywhere

An integrated vision of users for the Public Administration, by using gathered information, to arrange and make services available on different channels of contact

The relationship between the Public Administration and citizens shifts from a «one-to-many» to a «one-to-one» model: getting to know citizen needs, delivering citizen-tailored services, setting up a direct interaction between Public Administration and citizens via a large number of channels and points of contact.

An integrated vision of users for the Public Administration, by using gathered information, to arrange and make services available on different channels of contact

Public Administration

Digital Citizen Relationship Management